
New study reveals: Beautiful college women got worse grades with distance learning during the Pandemic when not being physically near the professors and teachers

Published December 27, 2022 | By

Illustration The image has nothing to do with the article. (Montage/A. Piacquadio/V. Garcia)

Apparently appearance can affect grades, especially if you are an attractive female a new study reveals.

According to a new Swedish scientifical study made by a PhD student at the School of Economics in Lund University in Sweden, Adrian Mehic, beautiful college women tend to get worse grades when they study on distance, far away physically from their college professors, teachers and other examinors.

The study that was made during the pandemic period, could reveal that when beautiful female students were not physically present during the pandemic, but instead participated digitally, their grades dropped. This “appearance effect” was most evident in subjects with a course structure where teachers and students got to know each other in a physical environment.

And what is interesting as a comparison which this study also revealed, was that the male students’ study results remained unchanged under the same circumstances.

The study consisted of a jury of 74 people involved of the same age as the 300 participating students. And they had to rate the appearance of the students on a scale of 1-10 based on pictures they were provided with.

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